CorSense Temperature, Humidity, Pressure & Air Quality Environmental Sensor

Technical Specifications

IoT Wireless Environment Temperature Humidity Pressure and Air Quality Sensor, boasting up to a 2-mile range using a 900MHz wireless mesh networking architecture. Incorporating a high-resolution sensor, this device samples and processes temperature, pressure, humidity, and gas resistance. Once environmental data is collected, it transmits this information to a gateway or modem up to 2 miles away.

The whole process is repeated at user-defined intervals. For technical details on the sensing capabilities, please refer to the BOSCH BME680 data sheet. Powered by just 2 AA batteries and an operational lifetime of 300,000 wireless transmissions, a 3-year battery life can be expected depending on environmental conditions and the data transmission interval. Optionally, this sensor may be externally powered.

There is no better Long Range Wireless Environment Temp Humidity Pressure and Air Quality Sensor on the market today. Nothing compares to the long range, the price, the accuracy, the battery life, or the security features we have to offer.

Note: this sensor has in built heater and it takes around 30 minutes to burn in. During the burn in time, the sensor need to be placed in a clean air environment.

Part Number: SY-SNS-NPR49-24L

Sensor Highlights

  • Industrial-grade environment IoT sensor for monitoring
  • Temperature, pressure, humidity, gas resistance, and indoor air quality
  • Operating temperature range -40 to +85 °C
  • Operating pressure range 300 to 1100% hPa
  • Operating humidity range 0 to 100% r.H.
  • Gas resistance output in Ohms
  • Inbuilt indoor air quality metric calculation with a 0-100 range
  • Configurable heater temperature and duration for gas resistance sampling
  • 2-mile range with 900MHz on-board antenna
  • Superior LOS range of up to 28 miles with 900MHz high-gain antennas
  • Interface to Raspberry Pi, Microsoft Azure, Arduino, and more
  • Example software for visual studio and LabVIEW
  • Wireless mesh networking using DigiMesh®
  • Power efficient built-in sleep mode
  • Secure transmission using AES-128 encryption